Saturday, September 27, 2008

Perimenopause & Menopause


This pathfinder is a guide to finding print resources, websites, organizations, and other sources of information about perimenopause and menopause, including information on natural treatment and management of symptoms. It has been prepared for the Davidson Branch, Palliser Regional Library.


Menopause is that point in which menstruation has ceased for a full twelve months. Perimenopause is the transitional stage in which the balance of hormone levels are changing. Due to these fluctuating hormone levels, one may experience irregular periods, hot flashes, cold sweats, low energy, mood swings, anxiety, "foggy" thinking, and a host of other symptoms. Every woman's experience is different, and many may not need to treat their symptoms, but it is good to be well informed of what to expect and what options are available.

With so much information available it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. This pathfinder is intended to provide a starting point for finding reliable information on this topic that is important to women who are at or approaching this stage of their life.

PLEASE NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, catalogue listings will be for the Palliser Regional Library Online Public Catalogue (OPAC).

The following subject headings may be helpful in searching the online catalogue.

• Menopause - popular works; complications; diet therapy; treatment
• Perimenopause - popular works; alternative treatment; hormone therapy
• Middle aged women - nutrition; health and hygiene
• Estrogen - therapeutic use
• Progesterone - therapeutic use


The following are Dewey Decimal Call Numbers related to this topic that will help you in searching the library shelves.

618.175 (perimenopause and menopause) *This is where you will find the most relevant information
618.208 (nutrition and middle aged women/menopause)
613.704 (physical fitness)
612.665 (nutrition)


» Click on the book cover for a direct link to the OPAC.

Simpson, Kathryn R., and Dale E. Bredesen. The Perimenopause & Menopause Handbook: A Comprehensive, Personalized Guide to Hormone Health for Women. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2006. [618.175 Sim]

• This book contains charts to enable you to track and examine your personal medical history, questionnaires and treatment options to help you understand your hormone health, and a wealth of information to assist you in making informed choices about management and treatment. This is a valuable resource, written by two experts on hormone research.

Beck, Leslie. The Complete Nutrition Guide to Menopause: Natural Strategies to Manage Symptoms, Control Weight and Stay Healthy. Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2008. [618.175 Bec]

• Leslie Beck is a leading nutritionist and CTV's Canada AM nutrition expert. In this book she explains what menopause is, how to determine if you are perimenopausal, the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and how to manage your symptoms through diet, vitamins, and herbal remedies. She provides a great deal of nutritional information, a suggested eating plan, and appendices of further resources

Northrup, Christiane. The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change. New York: Bantam Books, 2006. [618.165 Nor]

The author, an obstetrician and gynecologist, specializes in the mind-body approach to women's health, focusing on both the physical aspects and the affect that menopause has on a woman's emotions and lifestyle. She provides descriptions of symptoms, followed by traditional and alternative treatment options. An excellent book that looks at the many aspects of women's health.

Canfield, Jack, Mark Victor Hansen and Dahlynn McKowen, eds. Chicken Soul for the Soul in Menopause: Living and Laughing Through Hot Flashes and Hormones. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, 2007. [618.175 Chi]

• They say that laughter is the best medicine. When you need a break from it all, find comfort, support and laughter in the sharing of stories from other women and their varied and yet common experiences.

Manson, JoAnn E., Shari S. Bassuk. Hot Flashes, Hormones & Your Health. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. [618.175 Man]

• The author discusses the benefits and risks of hormone therapy, options for treatment, and a step-by-step guide to help you make informed choices for your health.

Jackson, Nisha. The Hormone Survival Guide for Perimenopause: Balance Your Hormones Naturally. Santa Rosa, CA: Larkfield Publishing, 2004. [618.175 Jac]

• Written by a specialist in women's health, this book offers a 7 step guide to balancing hormones, through various means such as diet, exercise, natural supplements, etc. There is discussion on hormone testing and natural treatment options. It is a well written and easy to understand book.

Roth, Dick. No, It's Not Hot in Here: A Husband's Guide to Understanding Menopause. Georgetown, MA: Ant Hill Press, 1999. [618.175 Rot]

• This is a book that a woman may want to share with her husband or partner to help him understand what she is going through and how he might be able to help to support her. After all, he is affected by her experiences as well.


Hot Flashes ~ Newsletter published by the Women's Midlife Health Centre of Saskatchewan, distributed free to libraries and also available in PDF format. This newsletter of local interest contains news, upcoming events, timely articles, recipes and humour.


InfoTrack OneFile
NOTE: You must log in with your Palliser library card and PIN number to access this database.
InfoTrack OneFile is a source of newspaper and magazine articles on a wide range of topics. You can limit your search to full text articles, peer-reviewed articles, documents with images, by date range, and by other advance search options. Try using keyword: menopause. Then click on "subdivisions" to narrow your search. This is an excellent database for finding up-to-date articles and peer-reviewed academic journals.

A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health. PubMed includes over 18 million citations from life science journals, and includes links to full text articles and other resources. This database is suggested for those who are looking for more in-depth information.

Women's Health Matters
A database of evidence-based and up-to-date articles on women's health, supported by women's health experts at Women's College Hospital. There are a number of options for searching: the A-Z Index, Basic Search, Detailed Search, Popular Search or Recent Additions. Suggested keywords: menopause, perimenopause, hormone therapy.


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
A publication about midlife transitions that discusses perimenopause and menopause, some of the possible symptoms and suggestions for dealing with them, sexual, emotional and lifestyle changes and coping methods, the benefits, risks and side effects of hormone therapy, as well as exercise, healthy eating and good health care.

Canadian Women's Health Network
Articles on perimenopause, menopause, menopause and heart disease, sex after menopause, basic questions and answers about hormone therapy and alternatives.

Power Surge
• An online community for women in menopause, with articles, frequently asked questions, life tips, "ask the experts", live chats, newsletters, resources, and a message board where women can talk to and share their experiences and questions with one another. This is a good site for anyone looking for a support group.

My Monthly Cycles
• This site is a great resource with free tools to track cycles in detail, a perimenopause symptom tracker/journal, and printable charts and history reports, all of which are very valuable when meeting with your doctor.

North American Menopause Society
• The North American Menopause Society is a non-profit scientific organization committed to providing accurate and unbiased information about menopause. Membership in the society includes people from various scientific, health and medical backgrounds. Here you can find the full text of the 64-page comprehensive Menopause Guidebook in PDF format, by chapter, and sign up for their e-newsletter. This is an excellent and recommended site.

Women's Midlife Health Centre of Saskatchewan
• The Women's Midlife Health Centre provides reliable information and support on various issues related to perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. They have a referral based clinic, educational forums, a lending library, and a quarterly newsletter, "Hot Flashes".

Women to Women
• Created by women doctors, nurse practitioners and an OB/GYN, this site has a wealth of information about women's health issues, with many articles about perimenopause and menopause, focusing particularly on a natural approach to hormone balance. There a number of articles covering topics such as signs and symptoms, talking to your partner about menopause, the pros and cons of antidepressants for menopause symptoms, natural treatments, and how to talk to your doctor about menopause.

WebMD Menopause Center
• This site contains articles, message boards, blogs, glossary of terms, videos, menopause health overview with information on symptoms, tests and diagnosis, treatment options, management, and support. An award-winning site, staffed by professionals in the fields of medicine and journalism, and reviewed by an Independent Medical Review Board for accuracy and timeliness.

Third Age (Health & Wellness | Menopause)
• This website is focused on men and women in midlife. There is a section of the website specifically about menopause, with articles, videos, discussion boards, and groups.

The Menopause Expert
• This is a listing of recommended online resources, some specifically about menopause and others to various related symptoms: depression, digestive problems, hormone imbalance, migraines, urinary problems, etc. There are also a number of articles and you can sign up to receive "The Menopause Moment" newsletter.

Provides links to many articles about menopause, including alternative therapy, nutrition and coping. This is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, which also services the PubMed database. MedlinePlus, however, provides many direct links rather than having to search for articles in a database.


Kathy Smith: Body Boomers Workout ~ DVD
Smith, Kathy. Body Boomers Workout. Camarillo, CA: Goldhil Media, 2006. [613.712 Bod]

• Three different workouts (previously released separately), each focusing on a different area of women's health: Moving Through Menopause (2001); Shaper Ball Workout (2003); Wellness Mind & Body: relaxation system (2001). This DVD also includes medical and nutritional advice, and helpful on-screen tips throughout the workouts.

Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Menopause ~ DVD
(link to Saskatoon Public Library, available at the Carlyle King branch)
Bauer, Brent A., Donald D. Hensrud and Colleen Saidman. Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions for Menopause. Rochester, MN: Gaiam, 2007. [DVD 618.175 MAYO--mm]

ISBN 9780766231931

• From the Mayo Clinic, one of the world's leading health centers, this DVD provides a plan designed to help you manage menopause. It contains three parts: 1) Understanding your condition; 2) Eat well to feel well; 3) Soothing therapies (including moderate exercise and stress-relieving techniques).

Transitions Through the Perimenopausal Years ~ DVD
(link to Saskatoon Public Library, available at the Frances Morrison Library, JS Wood, and Rusty MacDonald branches)

Zala, Lissa and Andrea Swan. Transitions Through the Perimenopausal Years. Victoria, BC: Vancouver Island Health Authority, 2003. [DVD 612.665 TRAN--tt]

• Created by an award-winning production team, in collaboration with the authors of the book by the same title. Interviews with many experts in various fields of women's health, and the stories of eight women who gathered to share their individual experiences.

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